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Are you Holy in conduct and godliness?

God’s wrath will come on the world. In light of all this, how should we be? Peter tells us that we should be holy in conduct and godliness (2 Peter 3:11).

So what does it mean to be holy in conduct and godliness. Zephaniah (3:8-13) tells us the Characteristics of God’s people: We have power, love and sound mind, God’s glory, walk in truth, are righteous in Christ, humble and meek, serve the Lord, rest in Him, patient, endure and are eagerly awaiting the Lord’s coming.

Hasten the day of Christ’s coming (2 Peter 3:12) by preaching and proclaiming God’s word today.

“this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Mathew 24:14

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