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Are angels real?

I had never pondered this question until I was confronted with one while praying for a woman’s daughter who was very sick. I saw this Angel in a closed-eye vision while praying in the spirit. 

The Angel was large and had little arms under its wings. As I was later going to find out, this was a description of a Seraphim,

“Under their wings were human arms. There were four living beings. Each living being had four faces and four wings.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭1:8‬ ‭ERV‬‬

When we see something we cannot explain, we need to go to the Lord to show us. I quickly asked, Lord, what is going on? He said I am healing her, and at that moment, a circle formed around the girl, and I saw her mother and grandmother in the circle; The Lord said, I am healing all of them. I have often pondered this Angel and the way the Lord works. It goes beyond our understanding. 

However, God gives us the eyes of understanding to do His work (Ephesians 1:18). 

At that moment of the angel encounter, the Lord directed me to tell the mother what I saw. When I told the mother what I saw, she broke down and cried. The daughter was healed of her infirmity. 

We have a mighty God that goes beyond our ways and understanding, but as we listen and obey, we can glorify Him.

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