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Access to God

How do we get into Heaven or gain access to God? Today we have access to so much in our lives via our identity (fingerprint/retina, unique id number). I remember when my girls were young that they tried to get into my computer using their fingerprint. They had watched me put my finger on the pad of my computer and the computer lit up. They thought because they were related to me that their fingerprint would work.

Many believe that because their parents are believers and they were raised in a family that went to church, that they are automatically provided access to heaven/God.

We do have generational blessings that pass down family lines and are received based upon listening and obeying God. However, we can only gain access to God by believing in Jesus Christ.

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6

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