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A deeper message

When we go through the Bible, God is constantly trying to take us deeper and reveal Himself and His will. The enemy is also trying to take us down his path. There is a struggle for our lives. We have a choice every day in the direction we will go. What will you choose?

An example of this is the new Barbie movie. The movie is filled with a deeper meaning; depending on your background and beliefs, what you take away can shape your life.    

Like the Barbie movie, the Book of Esther also has dominant female characters in the book. One is the Queen, Vashti, and her name means Beautiful, and the other is an orphan, a Jew, and her name is Esther, and her name means star. One woman demands her way and is taken low; the other humbles herself and is taken high. When we walk in our calling, God always blesses us.   

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:13

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