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How Hard is it to Wait?

How Hard is it to Wait?


I find waiting to be very difficult. It means I have to rely on someone else and lose control of the situation. It means I have to be patient, and at times I have no idea how long I will have to wait.


Some things we look forward to with anticipation, while others with dread. I was so excited when I was engaged, and could hardly wait until the wedding day. A few short months later I waited as my husband was in critical care for a week, not knowing if he would live or die. After the funeral I was numb and wasn’t sure what I was waiting to happen. But through it all I knew that God was with me no matter how rough the ride would become, or how long the wait. And I always feel My companion beside me.


“And I will wait on the LORD…and I will hope in Him.” Isaiah 8:17  NKJV

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