Angles are mentioned 290 times in the Bible. I had never paid any attention to angels until one day; I was confronted with one while praying for a young girl who had been to many doctors and had no solution for her ailment. Her mother had requested prayer during a woman’s prayer meeting. While praying, I saw this massive angel with large wings and little arms under the wings. I then saw a circle around the girl, and the Lord said I am healing her. I then saw the mother and the grandmother in the circle, and the Lord said I am healing all of them. I immediately asked the Lord what to do with this information. I was so startled and I did not know what to do. He said, tell the mother. After our prayer session, I went over to the mother and explained what had happened, and she started crying. The girl was healed that day; as for the mother and granddaughter, only the Lord knows the healing they needed.
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” Psalm 34:7
We should not limit the Lord. He works in marvellous ways.