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Are You Willing to Change?

Are You Willing to Change?


There are many promises in God’s word, but there is one thing we must do; believe. God has given us free will to make the decision to be for Him or against Him.


When we encounter trauma we need to go to the source of healing for the trauma. Jesus has already paid the price for our healing. In Matthew 8:17, the word says, “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying: ‘He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses.’” If we do not believe that healing is for today, we have no hope. Jesus told His disciples that He was leaving and they (and we who are His disciples) would do greater things than He did, here on this earth, to bring glory to God the Father after He went back to heaven. (John 14:12,13)


So, as I was awakened in bed with terrible pain after God had healed me earlier that day, I asked Him if I had allowed sin in my life that brought this pain back. He told me what I didn’t want to hear; how I had reacted unkindly to my sister that day. I had to humble myself and repent and ask forgiveness. The pain went away and I went back to sleep.


So, the question is: do we really believe He has healed us, and if we do not see the manifestation, is there sin blocking what He wants to do. Are we willing to humble ourselves before God?


God may answer us by saying we are forgiven and His timing is perfect. We just need to wait on Him for the manifestation of His healing. But His promise is true; we are healed. (Mark 16:18) Just believe.


Are we willing to change to make Him Lord of our life?


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