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How Do We know?


Have you ever been in a situation where something terrible happened to you and you blamed God for not being there? God is always with us. If we become bitter because we do not understand the entire event or trauma we experienced, we just need to ask God, “Will You show me where You were in that situation?”


If we are sincere, He will answer us and we may be surprised by what He says. For example: I heard of a man who grew up angry all of the time. He was so angry that he became violent in a second. He had been beaten with a board by his grandmother when he was six years old. He was too young to defend himself and as he grew he carried the anger into his adult life. One day it was suggested to him to ask Jesus where He was when his grandmother was beating him. As he contemplated He saw Jesus standing between him and his grandmother, taking the worse blows. He always wondered why he never suffered from broken bones. This revelation was healing to his soul and he was able to release the anger when he saw how much Jesus loved him.


“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses.”

Psalm 107:6  NKJV

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