Can someone steal your blessings?

Can someone steal your blessings? The short answer is Yes. You can deprive yourself of blessings by sinning, and another person can steal your blessings by placing a word curse upon you. No worries…. Jesus has made a way through the cross, “the Son of Man has power on earth...
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Suffering Brings Lessons

Suffering Brings Lessons We might as well face the fact that no one can go through this life and escape suffering. As I am pondering the losses I have experienced, I am wondering what my greatest lessons may be. First of all, I have not experienced anything that is unique....
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His Beauty

“And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17 As I meditated on His beauty, all kinds of wonderful thoughts came to mind. Then a thought crossed my mind, isn’t Christ‘s death...
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