It is bridal season

June is one of the most popular wedding months. Most couples have been planning their weddings for a year or more, and the many details have been ironed out.    Bridal season is upon us, and we all have a groom, Christians and non-Christians. We are either going to be Jesus’s...
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You may be experiencing a loss due to sickness; this is unplanned.  If God knows the plan, and He does (For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11) and it...
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Are you attacking yourself?

Have you ever considered the spiritual side of diseases? When you have autoimmune diseases, your immune system attacks itself. Perhaps, exploring the spiritual factors could lead you to the root of the problem. Autoimmune diseases, with over 80 varieties, are believed to be rooted in self-hate, self-rejection, guilt, false burdens, and more. ...
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